Cria is a computer game made by students from the University of Skövde. The story follows a protagonist who is trapped in a fantasy world seeking a way home to the real world. In this adventure puzzle game the player navigates through an eerie desolate landscape full with secrets of the past.​​​​​​​
The logotype of Cria was a challenge. In order to fit the games story we asked a preschool artist to supply us with a sketch. In vectorised form the logotype fitted the setting very well. In the game there were hidden scribbles scattered around for the player to collect, which much resembled the final logotype. ​​​​​​​
One unexpected addition to this project was my contribution to the game level design. It was worthwhile doing level design and creating the graphical assets as well. The experience have strengthen my understanding of Unreal Engine development tools for level design.
For this project I was responsible for pre-production concept development, production of marketing material and general 2D graphics. As the projects evolved I also produced a lot of the final 3D assets. 
The textures are hand painted in Adobe Photoshop. Each avatar is painted with its own unique color and pattern.  
The final version of the poster that was used for Swedish Game Award 2016.
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